DiscoverWhat Now? with Trevor NoahThere’s No I In Trevor Noah [VIDEO]
There’s No I In Trevor Noah [VIDEO]

There’s No I In Trevor Noah [VIDEO]

Update: 2024-05-305


Trevor Noah, Christiana Medina, and Ben Winston continue their discussion about their ideal world, with Ben proposing a day of rest where everyone switches off from electricity, phones, and driving for 24 hours. Trevor and Christiana initially express skepticism, highlighting the potential challenges of enforcing such a rule and the potential for conflict. Ben then proposes a compromise, allowing for limited use of electricity through generators, which ultimately wins over Trevor and Christiana. The episode concludes with a humorous reflection on the power of compromise and the importance of finding common ground in a diverse world.


Social Media's Multifaceted Nature

This Chapter discusses the various ways social media is used, from connecting with family abroad to getting news. The conversation then shifts to the potential downsides of social media, particularly its impact on misinformation and the spread of harmful advice.

Trevor's World: Banning Social Media

This Chapter delves into Trevor's proposal to ban social media if he ruled the world. He argues that social media fosters unhappiness, creates echo chambers, and damages our collective understanding of reality. He also expresses concerns about the impact of social media on children, particularly regarding bullying and the shaping of their reality.

Christiana's World: Abolishing Private Schools

This Chapter explores Christiana's proposal to abolish private schools and implement a blind lottery system for school assignments. She believes this would incentivize rich parents to improve all schools, ensuring equal access to quality education. The conversation delves into the potential benefits and drawbacks of this system, including concerns about community spirit and the potential for wealthy parents to circumvent the system.

Ben's World: A Day of Rest

This Chapter focuses on Ben's proposal for a day of rest, inspired by his Orthodox Jewish upbringing. He envisions a world where everyone switches off from electricity, phones, and driving for 24 hours to reconnect with family and friends. The conversation explores the potential benefits and challenges of this proposal, including concerns about enforcing the rule and the impact on essential services.

The Day of Rest Debate

This Chapter delves into the debate surrounding Ben's proposal for a day of rest. Trevor and Christiana initially express skepticism, highlighting the potential challenges of enforcing such a rule and the potential for conflict. Ben then proposes a compromise, allowing for limited use of electricity through generators, which ultimately wins over Trevor and Christiana.


Social Media

Social media refers to online platforms that allow users to create and share content, connect with others, and build communities. Examples include Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, TikTok, and Snapchat. Social media has become ubiquitous in modern society, impacting communication, information dissemination, and social interaction.


An algorithm is a set of instructions or rules that a computer follows to perform a specific task. In the context of social media, algorithms are used to personalize content feeds, recommend connections, and target advertising. Algorithms can influence user behavior and shape online experiences, raising concerns about bias, echo chambers, and the spread of misinformation.

Echo Chamber

An echo chamber is a metaphorical space where individuals are exposed only to information that confirms their existing beliefs, leading to a reinforcement of biases and a lack of exposure to diverse perspectives. Social media algorithms can contribute to the formation of echo chambers by filtering content based on user preferences and past interactions.

Private School

A private school is an educational institution that is not funded or controlled by the government. Private schools typically charge tuition fees and often have smaller class sizes, specialized programs, and higher academic standards. The existence of private schools raises questions about equity in education, as access to these institutions is often limited to families with higher incomes.

Blind Lottery

A blind lottery is a random selection process where participants are assigned to groups or positions without any prior knowledge of who will be chosen. In the context of school assignments, a blind lottery system aims to ensure fairness and prevent bias in the allocation of students to schools.

Day of Rest

A day of rest is a period of time dedicated to relaxation, reflection, and spiritual or personal renewal. In some cultures, a day of rest is observed as a religious practice, such as the Sabbath in Judaism or Sunday in Christianity. The concept of a day of rest can also be applied to secular contexts, promoting well-being and reducing stress.

Orthodox Judaism

Orthodox Judaism is a branch of Judaism that adheres to traditional interpretations of Jewish law and practice. Orthodox Jews observe a strict Sabbath, which includes refraining from work, travel, and the use of electricity. The Sabbath is considered a sacred day of rest and spiritual reflection.


A generator is a device that converts mechanical energy into electrical energy. Generators are commonly used to provide power in areas without access to the electrical grid, such as during power outages or in remote locations. In the context of the podcast, generators are proposed as a compromise to allow for limited use of electricity on a day of rest.


  • What are Trevor Noah's main arguments for banning social media?

    Trevor argues that social media fosters unhappiness, creates echo chambers, and damages our collective understanding of reality. He also expresses concerns about the impact of social media on children, particularly regarding bullying and the shaping of their reality.

  • How does Christiana Medina propose to improve the education system?

    Christiana suggests abolishing private schools and implementing a blind lottery system for school assignments. She believes this would incentivize rich parents to improve all schools, ensuring equal access to quality education.

  • What is Ben Winston's vision for a day of rest?

    Ben proposes a day of rest where everyone switches off from electricity, phones, and driving for 24 hours to reconnect with family and friends. He believes this would promote well-being, strengthen family values, and benefit the environment.

  • What are some of the potential challenges of implementing Trevor's social media ban?

    Enforcing the ban would be difficult, as people could still access the internet and communicate through other means. Additionally, the ban could have unintended consequences, such as limiting access to information and hindering social movements.

  • What are some of the potential challenges of implementing Christiana's school system?

    Concerns include the potential for wealthy parents to circumvent the system, the loss of community spirit in schools, and the financial burden on the government to fund all schools equally.

  • What are some of the potential challenges of implementing Ben's day of rest?

    Enforcing the rule would be difficult, as people could still choose to work or travel. Additionally, the ban on electricity could disrupt essential services, such as hospitals and emergency services.

  • How does the discussion about social media relate to the broader themes of the podcast?

    The episode explores the potential consequences and challenges of implementing these proposals, prompting a lively discussion about the role of technology, education, and community in shaping our world.

  • What are some of the key takeaways from the episode?

    The episode highlights the complexities of social media, education, and community. It encourages listeners to consider the potential benefits and drawbacks of different approaches to these issues and to engage in thoughtful discussions about the future of our society.

  • What are some of the potential solutions to the problems raised in the episode?

    The episode does not offer definitive solutions, but it encourages listeners to think critically about the issues and to consider alternative approaches. For example, instead of banning social media, perhaps we should focus on regulating its use and promoting media literacy. Similarly, instead of abolishing private schools, perhaps we should focus on improving public schools and providing more equitable access to quality education.

  • How does the episode relate to current events?

    The episode's discussion of social media, education, and community is relevant to current events, such as the rise of misinformation, the debate over school funding, and the increasing importance of social connection in a digital age.

  • How does Ben's compromise address the concerns raised by Trevor and Christiana?

    Ben's compromise addresses the concerns raised by Trevor and Christiana by allowing for limited use of electricity through generators. This allows for some level of personal freedom and enjoyment while still promoting the core idea of a day of rest and reflection.

Show Notes

It’s everyone’s favorite game: If I Ruled the World! Trevor makes a case to ban all social media, Christiana argues that Bill Gates should staff the PTA bake sale, and Ben declares a weekly day of rest for all – whether you want it or not!

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There’s No I In Trevor Noah [VIDEO]

There’s No I In Trevor Noah [VIDEO]

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